REfelections Asthetica

Hair Transplant

Permanent Solution for Bald Patches: Hair Transplantation 

Dealing with bald patches can be a thing of the past, thanks to the groundbreaking option of hair transplantation. There are two primary techniques utilized for this purpose: Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Both approaches have proven their effectiveness in restoring natural, denser hair.

Discover FUE Hair Transplants

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is an innovative technique for harvesting donor hair, which is subsequently transplanted into the recipient’s bald areas. In FUE hair transplantation, individual follicular units are meticulously extracted from the donor area of the patient, one by one. This method is not limited to the scalp alone and is also employed for beard, mustache, and eyebrow transplants. 

FUE boasts a ‘No Incision, No Stitch’ approach, setting it apart from the conventional strip-harvesting method (FUT), where a strip of skin containing hair is excised from the back of the scalp and then divided into individual follicular units. Our experienced hair transplant team at Reflection Aesthetica relies on the FUE technique for hair harvesting, culminating in a restored hairline and enduring, natural-looking results. To further enhance each hair transplant, we incorporate powerful growth factors through PRP Therapy, ensuring faster, denser, and more natural results.

Understanding Hair Transplant Costs

When contemplating a hair restoration procedure, it’s natural to wonder about the associated costs. It’s important to note that there’s no fixed cost for hair transplants; the expense can vary considerably. The final price of your hair transplant is influenced by factors such as the extent of your hair loss and the type of procedure chosen.

Unveiling the World of Hair Loss and Balding

Alopecia, the medical term for hair loss, can be triggered by a variety of factors, including genetics, lifestyle choices, stress, nutritional deficiencies, chronic medical conditions, and hormonal fluctuations.

It manifests in various ways, including:

  • Noticeable hair shedding
  • Receding hairlines, crown thinning, and scalp partition hair loss
  • Circular patches of hair loss
  • Balding due to the progressive shortening of the hair’s life cycle 

Seeking expert advice at the earliest stages is pivotal in reducing hair loss, preventing baldness, and fostering hair regrowth.

Tailored Solutions for Hair Loss

Given that hair loss can stem from multiple factors, it’s essential to secure an accurate diagnosis and identify the root causes. An adept physician will conduct a thorough analysis, considering your medical history, lifestyle, and other pertinent factors. Early intervention significantly enhances the chances of halting hair fall and stimulating hair regrowth. 

Alongside a comprehensive treatment plan, doctors at Reflections Aesthetica may recommend:

– Maintaining a balanced diet

– Adopting healthy lifestyle practices

– Following a specialized haircare regimen

Diagnosing Hair Loss

Upon embarking on your journey with Reflections Aesthtica, you can anticipate the following steps:

– In-depth consultations with our hair specialists, encompassing a detailed analysis of your medical history, hair loss chronicity and severity, overall health, dietary and lifestyle habits, recent illnesses, and stressful events.

– A thorough assessment by our qualified doctors, addressing lifestyle, occupation, medical history, regular care, genetics, and a scalp analysis to gauge the scalp’s condition, hair quality, and hair loss severity.

– In some cases, medical investigations, such as blood tests, may be recommended to check for nutritional deficiencies and hormonal changes.

– Based on the comprehensive diagnosis, the hair specialists at Reflections Aesthetica will craft a personalized treatment plan.

Our Array of Treatment Options

Reflections Aesthetica specializes in offering customized solutions, which may encompass the following treatments as standalone or in combination:

  • Personalized haircare regimens tailored to your hair type and scalp condition.
  • Dietary guidance to address any nutritional deficiencies that may be contributing to your hair loss.
  • Topical applications, sprays, or solutions recommended by dermatologists to combat hair loss.
  • Oral medications, which could include vitamin supplements and anti-androgens, as suggested by our specialists.
  • Hair Regrowth Treatment, a minimally invasive, virtually pain-free procedure ideal for reversing early stages of balding.
  • Specialized injections administered by our hair experts to target specific hair loss conditions such as alopecia areata.

Why Choose Hair Loss Treatment

  1. Protocol-driven, 100% safe, effective, and non-surgical treatments with no downtime.
  2. Utilization of USFDA approved equipment and advanced technologies for natural hair regrowth.
  3. A highly qualified and experienced team of dermato-trichologists offering personalized solutions for all forms of hair loss.
  4. Personalized care before, during, and after treatment to ensure long-lasting results with zero side effects.
  5. A trusted brand in hair loss treatment, boasting 3 lakh satisfied clients and a multitude of positive reviews.

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